Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Problem Two

A "Thousand-Year Game" is a game that people would still probably be playing in a thousand years from now. Pick a game that you think deserves the title of "A Thousand-Year Game", and justify.

Well, I think the game that people would still probably be playing in a thousand years from now would be this running around game called, "Catching".

So... What is "Catching"? Is it catch fish? Balls? Or you?
Actually, all of the above can be caught. But the most favorable answer would be, YOU.

Here's a  brief explanation of how "Catching" is played:
  1. Find an open-spaced area, probably a big one because you would be running around.
  2. Gather your players. The more the merrier!
  3. You can choose to vote who to be a "Catcher" (Majority wins) OR volunteer yourself to be the "Catcher".
  4. After choosing the "Catcher", he/she has to stay in a spot to count from "1 to 10" (For a newly started game).
  5. During the 10 seconds count, everyone EXCEPT the "Catcher" would have to run away as far as they could from the "Catcher". (This is to avoid been caught when the game starts).
  6.  When the count reaches "10",  the "Catcher" will have to prey on the victims who had run away.
  7. To catch someone, the "Catcher" will have to tap the victim on any parts of the body EXCEPT the sensitive areas. (Gentlemen, please be careful & LOOK before tapping!)
  8. When a victim is caught, the victim will become the "Catcher" and the previous "Catcher" would become a victim which then he/she must now run away from the current "Catcher".
  9. The new "Catcher" would now start to prey on other victims and continues like a cycle.
  10. Lastly, there is no fixed rule to end this game. Therefore, you can end the game by voting yourself out.
Why did I chose "Catching" to deserve the title of "A Thousand-Year Game"?

Well, mainly because this game has no fixed time of playing, which is to say you can play at anytime, anywhere and with anyone. It was also because I had played "Catching" before during the past 10 years of my life in school, outdoor & open-spaced area (field) and buildings (shopping mall, house flats) which was why I had a great, fun experience and memories of the game.

Nevertheless, I can still see kids aged between 6 to 12 are still playing catching between themselves. Which then contributed to the popularity of the game and thus having a greater chance of it deserving "A Thousand-Year Game" title.


Alright! If you have any games that you think it deserves "A Thousand-Year Game" title, don't be shy and just share your opinion out! Great thanks!

That's all for you! See you again!

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