Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Problem Three

Is Game Design, in itself, a form of "Play"?
Justify how Game Design is or is not a form of "Play".

Well to me, i think that Game Design is a form of "Play" because if you want to be a Game Designer, you need to somewhat understand the form of "Play" before you can create a game for others to play with.

For example, as a Game Designer, you may want your game to be a competitive one or chance-based one. Therefore, in a form of "Play", here comes Agon and Alea. But before creating the game, you need to know the two term Agon and Alea before you can proceed further.

Agon a.k.a Competition/Competitive

Alea a.k.a Chance/Probability

After knowing the terms, the Game Designer now can create the game they want from the form of "Play". Example, if i want to create a Poker Cards game, it will consists Alea, during shuffling of cards and Agon, during the play of cards between players which determines a winner. Therefore, if a Game Designer have an idea of making a game like Poker, he would have to know when and where Alea & Agon can be placed in the game of Poker. Nonetheless, after creating the game, the Game Designer can test out the game to see if the "Play" is smooth or whether it fits the game itself before changing or altering the game.

Nevertheless, in my point of view, i think that Game Design is a form of "Play" because if a Game Designer wants to create a game for others to play, he/she must know the "play" before the game can be created. If he/she do not know what "play" the game wanted to be, then it would harder to create a game for others to play with as he/she might not get the inspiration. Since the form of "Play" could help in a Game Design and which a Game Design can give you a form of "Play".


Alright! If you have anything to share about whether if Game Design is or is not a form of "Play", don't be shy and share you opinions out! Great thanks!

That's all for you! See you again!

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